Cowford ChophouseJacksonville, FL, United States

NBOP Tampa Court 89 Friday Dinner

By Tampa Court No. 89 - ROJ (other events)

Friday, April 25 2025 6:13 PM 9:13 PM EDT

Where: Cowford Chophouse - 101 E Bay Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202

When: Friday, April 25, 2025 - During the National Book of the Play in Jacksonville

Dress: Coat and Tie with Nametag and Jewel

Dinner: 6:33 pm

Tickets are limited to the first 20 who purchase.  Please select meal option so we can alert the restaurant beforehand.

Registration Fee: $189.13 - Pays for Dinner, Appetizers, Dessert, Wine, and Limited Drinks.

Meal Options:

Prime Rib
Bone-In Pork Chop
Fire Roasted Salmon
Fire Roasted 1/2 Chicken

Mailing Address

Chas Jordan, Impresario 2078 Weaver Park Drive Clearwater, FL 33765